Digital/Internet Skills

The Digital Skills Course is designed to help participants develop confidence in using the internet safely while exploring popular online platforms and services. This course covers basic cybersecurity practices, social media use, online shopping, and essential digital skills to enhance everyday life.

What You’ll Learn:

Online Safety & Security
Importance of antivirus software
Creating and managing secure passwords
Identifying secure websites (HTTPS & lock symbol)
Backing up important documents
Avoiding phishing scams & suspicious email attachments

Social Media Basics
Introduction to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Setting up and managing a Facebook account safely
Understanding WhatsApp for messaging and calls

Online Shopping & Services
How to shop safely online
Booking holidays online
Motor tax demo

Useful Digital Tools
Navigating YouTube & RTÉ Player for videos and streaming
Using Google Maps for directions and finding locations
Understanding Eircode for accurate address searches

Course Details:

Duration: 3 hours over 5 weeks
Location: various
Certification: Certified QQI Level 3 or Certificate of Completion if desired
Who Can Attend? Open to beginners who want to improve their digital skills and online safety

Stay safe online and make the most of digital tools

If you'd like more information about our Digital/Internet Skills course please send us a message.
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