Safe pass

Course Aims :
The Safe Pass Health and Safety Awareness Training Programme aims to ensure that all construction workers in Ireland have a basic knowledge of health and safety. Safe Pass is a one-day programme run by SOLAS to enable them to work on construction sites without being a risk to themselves. Safe Pass is a requirement for all construction workers, Local Authority workers, (including apprentices and trainees) to ensure that they have a fundamental knowledge of health and safety. Essentially any worker who alters, interferes or changes a building must
pocess have a Safe Pass card. Safe Pass is a legal requirement that applies to all workers in the construction sector since its introduction in June 2003. Cards must be refreshed every four years.
Safe Pass
Course Outline:
  • Promoting a Safety Culture 
  • Duties and Responsibilities at Work.
  • Accident Reporting and Prevention.
  • Working at Heights.
  • Excavations and Confined Spaces.
  • Working with Electricity Underground and Overhead Services.
  • Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Use of Hand Held Equipment, Tools and Machinery.
  • Safe Use of Vehicles.
  • Noise and Vibration.
  • Health and Hygiene. 
One Day/8 hrs

If you'd like more information about our Safe pass course please send us a message.
What date would you like to begin this course?
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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